Saturday, April 4, 2009

Innisfree garden dutchess county

Pyracantha berries in Ben Lomond, CA USA

Daffodils in late April

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pollen petals - 12220012.jpg

picture by Lisa Devlin

White and ample flower

White and ample flower

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Rose cube design on mirror vase - 970d80b2.pbr


beetography's photo

Pyracantha berries in Ben Lomond, CA USA

The poppy bloomed, but it was so heavy it broke the stem ... I had to prop it up to take photos :(

Flower with Jade Ring, On The Middle...

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centrepiece with menus, frosted tealights and petals - gallery4027.jpg

Crazy looking flower

Crazy looking flower

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ivory vendela roses between the layers of the cake with starfish and petals - 027-5.jpg

One of my highlights at this year's show has been the 'Art in the Garden'. As you wander around the showground you come across a variety of work from fibreglass cows to steel, pine and charcoal sculptures, as well as more traditional artwork, using willow and oak. moorcroft.jpgNot to be outdone however, many garden designers have used art in their show gardens. The Moorcroft Natural Woman Garden incorporates a handcrafted Moorcroft tile featuring the garden's plants, bees and butterflies. There's even more artwork from designers who are showcasing their work here. leaping_hare.jpgOne of my favourites is by an artist who has created leaping hares from twisted, plastic-coated wire - he' s really managed to inject movement into his pieces. I'd love to take one home but I can't afford the price tag.
Utah Organic Weddings Flower Girls Organic Wedding Consultations 888 487 5543

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rose closeup - 07360006.jpg

all pictures courtesy of lisa Devlin photography

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