Friday, April 10, 2009

Rose parade transportation

Robert Nyman
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pollen-flowers posted a photo

Natalie and Chris just married - natalie4.jpg

pollen-flowers posted a photo

Buxted Park lanterns - photo by kind permission of Lisa Devlin - lanterns2.jpg

Malaysian Grapes - Malaysian Orchid - Medinilla myriantha - single blossom. Many names for a beautiful tropical flower. This photo shows the smallest unit of the entire grape like array of Malaysian Orchid flowers. This blossom is approximately 5 mm in size.
In album Beautiful flowers - Tropical orchids

Strelitzia reginae - Bird of paradise widescreen wallpaper. High resolution flower photo 1920x1200px.
Photo from Orchidarium Baguio City.
In album Beautiful flowers - Tropical orchids

Daffodils in late April

Robert Nyman
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Asim Shah posted a photo:

the basket

Robert Nyman
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flowers - flowers.jpg

Ants on a bird of paradise flower

Ants on a bird of paradise flower

Yellow flower with background out of focus

Yellow flower with background out of focus

The poppy bloomed, but it was so heavy it broke the stem ... I had to prop it up to take photos :(


Railroad vine - a beautiful flower grows on beaches toward the waterline.
During high tide or waves the plant is washed by the seawater. This plant grows in plain sand - tropical and subtropical climate zones.
Railroad wine flower photo from the beach of Bicol province - Philippines.
In album Beautiful flowers - Tropical orchids
One of my highlights at this year's show has been the 'Art in the Garden'. As you wander around the showground you come across a variety of work from fibreglass cows to steel, pine and charcoal sculptures, as well as more traditional artwork, using willow and oak. moorcroft.jpgNot to be outdone however, many garden designers have used art in their show gardens. The Moorcroft Natural Woman Garden incorporates a handcrafted Moorcroft tile featuring the garden's plants, bees and butterflies. There's even more artwork from designers who are showcasing their work here. leaping_hare.jpgOne of my favourites is by an artist who has created leaping hares from twisted, plastic-coated wire - he's real ly managed to inject movement into his pieces. I'd love to take one home but I can't afford the price tag.
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